More Rested Look After Eye Lid Surgery For Men
There are two kinds of eyelid surgery- Upper blepharoplasty or the double eyelid surgery Lower blepharoplasty or the eye bag removal surgery After the cosmetic surgeon has fashioned the perfect fold or got rid of the excess bags beneath, it is common knowledge that the area will swell a bit or might even bruise. After all, cosmetic surgery is not really natural for the body. The body will have to go through a healing process to return back to normal. How does one get a more rested look after eyelid surgery? First, common sense dictates that sufficient rest must be taken by the patient. Not just for eyelid surgery patients but for all kinds of surgeries. The body has just been under the knife and needs to replenish all the energy lost during the process. Second, if the doctor advised any form of medication, the patient must follow it to the letter. The doctor knows best and must have recommended a particular form of medicine to quicken the healing process and possibly prevent any infect...