Laser Scar Removal - Understanding the Procedure From Start to Finish

Like any other medical procedure you may be considering, make sure you understand the laser scar removal process before committing to it. If you're considering laser scar removal, the first step is to schedule a consultation session with a dermatologist offering this treatment. Select a reputable doctor to ensure that your scar removal procedure goes smoothly.


Once you have selected a doctor and scheduled your appointment, immediately discontinue sun exposure and tanning. A few weeks before the treatment, you'll also need to stop taking many antibiotics or medications; discuss your specific situation with your doctor.


On the day of your procedure, do not apply lotion or makeup to the area around the scar. Upon your arrival at the doctor's office, a nurse or technician will apply a cooling gel to the area. A local anesthetic may also be used if the scarring is in a sensitive spot, although the majority of patients find the pain tolerable. You may want to take pain medication beforehand if you are worried about the pain.


During the laser scar removal procedure, you'll be wearing protective eyewear so the laser beams do not enter your eyes. The doctor will hold a handheld laser device to your skin, sending laser pulses into your skin. You will feel a slight stinging sensation with each pulse. The entire treatment should take around 15 or 20 minutes, depending on your specific scar.


The lasers used for the laser scar removal procedure are very precise, so the skin surrounding the scar should not be affected. After the procedure, expect that your skin will be red and swollen. You can return to your normal activities immediately; the redness and swelling should subside within a day or two. The time it will take for the skin to fully recover will depend on the type of laser used, as some penetrate the skin further than others. It may take up to two weeks for the skin to fully recover.


For the recovery period, your doctor may prescribe a medicated cream to promote healing and prevent infection. Moisturize the skin frequently, and keep the area clean. Avoid scrubbing the treated skin, as this can irritate it. Use sun block if the skin will be exposed to sunlight.


A few weeks after the treatment, visit your doctor to evaluate the results. You may want to schedule additional treatments; many patients undergo between 3 and 6 sessions for each scar. The treatments should be scheduled at least a month apart to allow time for the skin to heal. Laser scar removal should be seen as a way to minimize the appearance of scars, as it is not always possible to remove any visible trace of them.


Margaret Richards


Margaret Richards is the author of the Laser Scar Removal Guide. Discover how scar removal using lasers works, how to choose the best center for scar removal, the advantages and benefits of this treatment, and find out all about the whole laser scar removal procedure


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