Pectoral Implants Give Your Chest Better Definition
It seems there are those of both genders that are not happy with what nature gave them in terms of their chests. For women, breast implants can result in a larger, fuller shaped chest as desired. For men, the most desired look today seems to be firm and defined pectoral muscles. Not all men can achieve this effect, no matter how hard they work out. Plastic surgery offers help to those whose muscles are not built for the look they want-the solution may be pectoral implants.
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, pectoral implant cosmetic surgery is growing in popularity, with the number of procedures rising 8 percent from 2006 to 2007. Like many breast implants, pectoral implants are made of silicone.
Unlike breast devices, these are of a rigid material and more flattened in shape. They are designed to be soft enough to be pliable but still feel like expertly defined muscles. The devices can be clear or opaque. Cosmetic surgeons offer pectoral implants in many different sizes in order to provide the ideal proportionality of the chest to the rest of the body.
In fact, many plastic surgeons can even "custom fit" the devices by creating molds of the patient's own chest muscles and making the implants themselves. This is often the option that created the best match and comfort.
How It Works
The cosmetic surgery procedure is performed while the patient is under general anesthesia. Local anesthesia can be used, but general is typically preferred. The endoscopic method involves making small incisions under the armpits.
The devices are then pushed through the incision and moved into position under the pectoral muscles by the plastic surgeon. This is done so that the implants look more natural, being shielded from sticking out against the skin by the natural muscles. The effect of this plastic surgery technique is to simply enhance and define the look of chest. After the devices are well positioned, the incisions are sutured together and closed.
The cosmetic surgery takes about an hour and a half, after which the chest will be wrapped tightly with ACE bandages to help the implants stay in the right position and help the chest get the needed amount of compression in the healing process. The cosmetic surgeon will recommend that the bandages be worn for approximately three weeks.
The recovery usually means lots of sleep and rest during the first few days. It also means some swelling, bruising, and discomfort, which can be managed with medications prescribed by the plastic surgeon. The swelling can often go down faster with the application of ice packs.
After pectoral implant plastic surgery, patients are asked not to raise their arms above their head for at least a day or two to give the incisions time to heal properly. This means that showering is not permitted until the plastic surgeon gives the okay.
Most men can return to their jobs after about a week, unless their jobs require lots of moving and lifting, in which case it may take longer. The cosmetic surgeon typically cautions patients to stay away from intense exercise for a month or more. Pectoral implants are a new cosmetic surgery procedure that can help men increase their confidence by giving them a chest that looks firm, defined, and well-exercised. It is a simple procedure that offers lasting benefits.
Opting for surgery to boost your body image? The first step is to find a qualified and experienced cosmetic surgeon. Newport News plastic surgery offers a complimentary personal consultation to discuss your individual cosmetic surgery goals. Visit to contact them now
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