What Every Mother Should Know About Tummy Tucks and Pregnancy

Many women decide, after having children, to get a tummy tuck and restore their flat tummy. Although sometimes exercise and diet can achieve the wanted result, sometimes a cosmetic surgery is the only way.

When considering a post pregnancy tummy tuck, make sure you diet and exercise so you lose as much fat as possible prior to the tummy tuck surgery. Tummy tucks remove loose skin but will not be as effective when you still have weight to lose. In this case, a liposuction might be more suitable.

Since many women change their mind and decide to have another child even when they thought they wouldn't, it is advisable to take this into consideration when deciding on a tummy tuck surgery. A tummy tuck is not an easy operation and it requires a recovery period of weeks. Swelling, pain and perhaps a numb feeling will accompany you in this recovery period. If you are not sure that you are done having children, all plastic surgeons will recommend to wait.

But what if you have changed your mind?

While a tummy tuck can restore your flat tummy, it will be undone by another pregnancy. The skin will stretch once again so your unborn baby will have room. In order to achieve the flat look once again, another tummy tuck is required. That is something that should be considered when deciding on a plastic surgery to remove sagging skin and tighten the abdominal area.

There are also a couple of myths and misconceptions regarding the post tummy tuck pregnancy. The tummy tuck doesn't pose any risks to the development of the unborn baby. There is no reason why a healthy woman who carried a full term pregnancy in the past won't be able to complete one after a tummy tuck surgery.

It is important to make sure you know all the facts before going through with any cosmetic surgery, let alone a tummy tuck which is not an easy one.

For more on the subject of the tummy tuck surgery and plastic surgeries in general, click here


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