Mini Tummy Tuck - Lose Your Mummy Tummy Fast

The abdominoplasty is probably better known to most people as the tummy tuck. The mini tummy tuck is a less invasive version of this surgery and is very common for people who are deemed to have less of a weight problem. In medical circles you will often hear the mini tummy tuck referred to as the apronectomy procedure.

This procedure has gained in popularity in recent years, especially amongst mothers who after childbirth. Wish to reverse the impact that childbirth has had on their bodies, In particular their tummies. The mini tummy tuck can be the ideal surgical solution to a number of problems which are the legacy of childbirth. And despite the best efforts to reduce these after effects they just won't go away.

Many mothers have a number of issues with their tummies resulting from childbirth, which include scars from caesarean births, stretch marks, and loose skin. These conditions are quite often called mummy tummy, one of the biggest reasons that the mini tummy tuck is so popular is because it is far less invasive than an abdominoplasty. This because the surgeon does not perform any work on the abdominal wall muscles during surgery. And the surgery time is far shorter than that of a full tummy tuck procedure, and a lot less intense.

However not all patients will be suitable to undergo this type of surgery a lot depends on your BMI (body mass index) which is helped to determine which type of surgery would be more beneficial to you.

As well as being a shorter surgery time one of the other main benefits of this procedure is the fact that recovery time is also a lot quicker. Not only is it quicker but it can also be a lot less complicated without the need to wear compression garments and fluid drains in some cases. The resulting scar from this surgery is also a lot less prominent and smaller in size than it would be for the abdominoplasty operation.

Most patients are able to resume full activities and return to work after about two weeks of having had this operation. And given the fact that it is also about forty percent less expensive than the full blown tummy tuck, it's not hard to see why it has become so popular especially amongst mothers with mummy tummies who want to lose it fast.

Rob H provides more articles on Tummy Tuck along with informative Tummy Tuck Talk you are free to use this article providing the article and resource box are used in its entirety


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